Compare4Benefit Contributor GuideLines

Blogging Guidelines

2019 Update : Kindly read carefully to get approval for your guest post.

To become a regular contributor at Money Clinic, here are some tips that will help you to get your article accepted and published.

  • We’re looking for unique and original ideas.
  • Articles must be original and exclusive to
  • You cannot accept payment for mentioning a person or business in an article.
  • Write content that is solely focused on quality and adding value for readers.

Here are few of the categories that we accepted articles from

  • Money Saving Tips
  • Finance
  • Real Estate
  • Home Buying Guides
  • Investment
  • Car News and Trends.

A few things to remember before submitting your guest post:

  • Length: Articles should be a minimum of 600 words and should cover the topic in detail.
  • Topics: Our content educates and motivates. Our editors are looking for articles that inspire, give insight into current trends and offer actionable takeaway tips.
  • Proof your article. Sloppy work won’t be accepted by our editors. If your piece is riddled with typos and/or factual errors, it will not be accepted.
  • Submit original work. Work you didn’t write is not acceptable. Warmed over posts (something you published previously with just a few new tweaks added) are also unacceptable.
  • Make sure your blog isn’t overly self-promotional : Mentions of your company, should be used to demonstrate your expertise on a topic. The effect should serve to educate, not advertise. Excessive links to your products or initiatives will likely be deleted. (Two to three links are fine. 10 are not.)

Contribute your post to Compare4Benefit

If you have read and understood all of the guidelines mentioned above, here is how you can submit the article.


admin[at] with following:

Sub: Guest posting at

In body mentioned the Suggested titles and outline.

Will, there be any backlink to a website, let me know that as well.